Sunday, December 16, 2012

Coming Out Of The Darkness

In the past month life has been rough.  Leaving my childhood home behind.  Moving away from my grandmother.  It was like my heart had been cut out.  Even my wife commented that I had changed.  I was no longer the fun loving person.  I had a shorter fuse.  Angry at the world.  Angry at myself.  Hope had been sucked out of me.  It was as if the air of life had been punched out of my lungs and Iʻm waiting to get knocked out.

So whatʻs holding me up?  Whatʻs stopping me from tapping?  During this period, itʻs been the usual things Iʻve employed when I feel rocked by life.

  1. Spending Time With My Family
  2. Praying 
  3. Reading Scriptures
  4. Expressing Myself

But even these usual tactics werenʻt enough.  So I decided to listen to music.  Listen to words of inspiration as I searched for a match to light my flame.

Here are some of the videos that have kept me fighting.

I hope you find these videos useful when you feel like submitting to life.             


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought Iʻd make a list of things Iʻm grateful, which arenʻt so obvious and I take for granted everyday.  Now before I start, I would like to admit that in our day it may be hard to be grateful when we are facing this...

Unrest in the Middle East

Pic Credit:  Frugal Cafe Blog Zone


Pic Credit:  Washington Post

No Twinkies!!!!

Despite these dark times, life is still good.  And this is why...

Pic Credit:  Mom Goes Green

Toilet Paper

Pic Credit:
Clean Water

Pic Credit:
No War In Our Backyard

Now do you believe there are people this very second who donʻt have any of the blessings I just mentioned.  As Americans, lets always be grateful for the small things because other people donʻt even have that.    

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thank You Grandma

Just been watching inspirational videos since Iʻve moved to the Big Island. Hoping to be inspired, I came across this youtube video:  

I teared up while watching the video and appreciated all the things my grandma has been for me.  Now unlike the person in the video, Iʻve told my grandmother how much I appreciate her.  But watching his heart felt words made me want to shout to the world how much of an impact my grandmother has been in my life.  

1.  Sheʻs been an ear when I felt like no one was listening. 

2.  She taught me to say "thank you" and "please".  You may not know it but find people with manners isnʻt common.  

3.  She showed me love when I felt like no one in the world cared.  

4.  She went to all my baseball and football games.  It was nice to see someone support me no matter if I sucked or not.  

5.  She read me bible stories and taught me how to pray.  

6.  She drove me to my practices.  

7.  She taught me how to drive.  I tried to learn from my parents and grandpa but they were a little too scary for me.  

8.  She took care of me when I was sick. 

9.  She shared with me stories of the old days that I will always cherish and plan to pass down to my children. 

10.  She told me I was a "GOOD PERSON".  

There are many more things I could write but itʻs safe to say, she was a wonderful grandmother/mother/friend/mentor to me.  

If you have anyone like my grandmother in your life, donʻt forget to tell them thank you.      

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Where Would I Be Without Her? #2

Pic Credit:  Pink Berry Shortcake

This might be a guy thing or a me thing but I didn't know the difference between conditioner and shampoo until I married my wife.  I thought the only difference between the two was that one made my hair softer.  Who knew that you were supposed to use the two simultaneously.  I didn't know.  Luckily, my wife has taught me the importance of hair care.  If she hadn't I would still be using conditioner on its own for a month.  Thank you honey.  


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Home Again

Recently, I've hinted on my blog that my grandmother who raised me like a son was losing the home she raised 3 generations in.  Being the favorite of my grandmother, which is what my sister likes to tell me, I returned to Maui over a year ago in hopes of saving the house.  Sadly, I would quickly realize that there wasn't much I could do.  I tried to find a full time position in my field (Counseling Psychology), specifically at an educational institution and was unsuccessful to find anything on Maui.  There just seemed to be more opportunities outside of Maui.  

After being donkey kicked in the stomach, I was faced with picking up my grandmother.  A woman who had always been a rock for me was now beaten down by the monthly payments that were eating away at her life savings.  For several months, I would remind her that it was okay to sell the house.  That it was up to her.  But deep down inside I was lying.  I was dying inside.  Thinking about losing the house made me sick.  It affected me so much that I started acting uncharacteristically angry (short fuse) and beaten down.  

My wife even shared with me that she felt like living on Maui had changed me.  A change she was unsure was for the good.  

Now, after so many months of ups and downs, this chapter seems to be coming to an end.  My grandma is close to selling the house and seems to have accepted her loss.  I think she'll realize it's a blessing when she sees how much money she'll be saving.  There is nothing like financial security.  

As for me, I think I've accepted it, finally.  It probably won't sink in fully until I move to the Big Island.  But what keeps me strong is the fact that my grandma is going to be okay.  Even though I dreamed of owning this house, I know that a home is more then four walls.  It's made up of love and care.  

The home I'm about to lose was more then a roof over my head.  More then a big yard and a nice ofuro. 

Just in case you didn't know what a ofuro was.  This is not the ofuro I grew up with.

 It represented security, which I know I have with my family.  Where ever I go as long as my family is there.  That is home. 

Here are some other things my home represented and I know I can take these things with me where ever I go:  

1.  Peace:  Now I don't mean that there weren't any fights in the house.  Believe me, there were some heated arguments and a few scuffles.  But at the end of the day, there was no other place I felt more at ease.     

2.  Teacher:  Home was a place I learned how to play baseball.  It was where I learned the value of hard work.  Where I was taught to be polite and respectful.  

3.  Fun:  The best memories of home that stick out in my mind were the fun moments.  When I used to cheer so loud for the Atlanta Braves during the World Series that I made my grandpa laugh.  When I had friends over the house for sleep overs.  When my brother and I played hide and go seek in the back yard.  

These things can come with me.  They are not loss with the selling of the house.  I can bring these memories and aspects of a home with me.  And more importantly I can create a similar but better environment for my children.  I can create new memories and help my children enjoy their home.        

Here are some pictures of the house: 

I really hope I can afford a house that big one day.  

I think these hand prints were done when my brother and I were in grade school.  

I might miss the back yard the most.  I still remember when my grandpa built us a tree house under the mango tree.  

Iʻll always remember my grandma cooking stew in this kitchen.  My favorite.  

Those marks you see on the floor are from my baseball metal cleats I used to put on before leaving the house.  My grandpa was mad when he caught me doing that.  

This trophy case may look empty now but it was once filled with trophies that my grandpa accumulated over the 40+ years of coaching.  

This is where my grandma used to read me bible stories to put me to sleep when I was a kid.  

These are the memories and the things that we can take with us where ever we go. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dealing With Failure

In response to an insightful comment on my facebook page.

"Why is it no one ever blogs about the times the touchdown pass hits you right in the numbers.......and you drop the damn ball?"

This quote inspired me to write about failure and how to deal with it.  I believe this friend is right.  Many times people gloss over the hard times, the failures that they've had to overcome.  Sometimes we mask our mistakes by fast forwarding through the blood, sweat and tears to get straight to the end.  A happy ending without the painful middle.  Now, I know there is a part of the population who may not fail often or even at all.  Maybe their failures are just hiccups or small bumps in their road.  But, I know I'm one of many who fall flat on their faces time after time.  Whose mistakes seem like giant road blocks to their goals and dreams.  Who stay up wondering how they're going to mess up again.  But as I write this post, I feel that my story, like many others, have moments of triumph.  Whether large or small, every success is a building block toward a better future, a better situation and possibly a better you.

Why do we fail?

1.  We're human.  

Sometimes we don't have the physical or mental ability to solve a problem we are faced with.  Like Dwight Howard failing to make a free throw shot.  Some players just don't have the skill to hit a gimme.      

2.  Actions of others. 

We fail because of the failure of others.  Like Tom Brady is viewed as a failure the last two Super Bowls he was in when it was the defense in the end that failed.  While Eli is viewed as clutch when he's receivers stepped up. 

3.  Sh*# happens. 

Then there are times we fall flat because things happen.  Life happens, which can be ugly.  Like natural disasters that take away your house that you had worked so hard to possess.  Or when Rondo hyper extended his elbow two years ago that halted their post season chances.   

What are the ways we can deal with failure?

1.  Ai No Kea

This is when you play off your failure.  You tell others and yourself that it doesn't matter that you messed up because you don't care.  If you cared it would feel worst.  This could work if it were true.  However, as I experienced after realizing I couldn't help save my grandma's home those feelings come out in other ways.  For me it came out through my shortened temper.  I couldn't control my grandma's situation so I became anal about my daughter.  I would get mad at her for doing things that kids do.  I wanted her to do things my way.  "I kicked the dog."      

2.  Hot Potato 

When others fail they like to shift the focus to someone or something else.  They past the hot potato by saying things like, "If my kids weren't so needy I would be able to exercise more often."  or "If my wife was kinder maybe I would come home more."  Now the blame may be justifiable at times but even it were it doesn't change that your marriage is falling apart or that you are one step closer to obesity.      

3.  Drinking Poison  

Drinking poison is when you fall flat on your face and take responsibility.  You admit that you failed and pronounce it to the world.  This at face value seems like a good thing, however, it can become self-destructive if you start believing that you will always fail.  When you care so much that you start to fear or even wait for failure to occur.  A great example of this are baseball closers like Mark Wholers of the Braves who seemed to lose the ability to throw a strike in 1998.  Here is a link to a blog post that explains it pretty well.  Baseball Feelings   

4.  Fight

So how should you deal with failure?  In one word, "fight".  Battle through adversity.  When you get leveled by life, learn from it.  Put your head on a swivel.  If you lose, train harder and smarter.  And remember that no one goes undefeated throughout their life.  You will lose some and win some.  Life isn't about how often you've won (Getting a new job) or loss (Unable to save the only place I called home) but how you were able to deal with every situation that makes you a success or a failure.    
Song that has stuck out while writing this post.  It has inspired me to keep fighting.

If you don't understand the lyrics.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't Try This At Home

Anderson Silva vs Bonnar

I Don't Know Who These Guys Are
Not Anderson Silva

Don't Stick Your Chin Out
 Leave It To The Professionals!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Where Would I Be Without Her?

This post will be one of many, which I hope to use to remind me when marriage gets rocky how life would be different without her.  So when those days come and the grass (single life) seems greener I can look back on my blog and say, "Where would I be without her?"  And today has been one of those days that I thank my lucky stars I was fortunate enough to meet her.

For over a year now, my family and I have been living with my grandmother.  A grandmother whose more like a mother to me.  A person who gave me the care and love I needed to direct my life in a positive way.  This past year, she has gone through some rough times.  Being faced with the decision to sell her house, which she has lived in for 50 or so years.  A home that I grew up in.  She struggled through the mixed emotions of losing the house.  It's almost like losing a loved one.  She had to go through the grieving process and when she did we were there and my wife specifically to help her through the selling process.  

Since I had so much history with the house, it's been hard for me to handle the emotions of losing the property and so I've relied on my wife a lot.  Because at times I didn't want to even hear that we were selling.  I wanted to pretend that everything was going to be okay and that maybe some miracle would happen and she wouldn't have to sell.  But sadly, life isn't a Disney cartoon and bad things sometimes happen to good people.   

So today, after months of searching for the right house for my grandma.  And with us about to move in a few weeks.  My wife was able to find the perfect home for her.  A home that was the best she had seen.  Which is saying something because my grandma had been very particular.  I guess when you live in one home for 50 years, you like things a certain way.  

Where would I be without her?  

I'd be stressing out and worrying if my grandma was happy and safe.  I probably wouldn't be able to accept the job in Hilo.  In shorthand, I'd be a mess.             

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Flopping Rule

With the NBA on the horizon, I've been thinking about the affect that the new flopping rule will have on the game.  If you haven't heard of this new rule yet, here is a link that explains it.  Flopping Rule

In summary, the flopping rule is meant to deter players from pretending to get fouled like this...

and like this...

What's funny is that some of the best floppers are on winning teams.  Based on a players poll taken by Sports Illustrated in 2010-11 here are some of the players on good teams that are considered floppers by their peers.  

1. Manu Ginobili
2.  Shane Battier
3.  Kobe Bryant
4.  Paul Pierce 

Based on the two videos I've posted, I'd say James Harden and Chris Bosh can be put on that list as well.    

So how will the game change?  How will players evolve?  Will scoring in the league rise?  How will this affect championship contenders like Miami, Thunder, Spurs, Lakers and the Celtics who have a few players that like to act?  

Don't know and excited to see how it turns out.  This rule will be just another added spice to the NBA season, which I predict should be another great one.    

Friday, October 19, 2012

Unemployed No More


Were the words that popped into my head when I heard, "WE WANT TO OFFER YOU THE POSITION".  I couldn't say "yes" fast enough as I silently pumped my fist and did a touchdown dance.  

In my daughter's words, "I did it!"  I had finally done it.  Broken through and gotten the job I had wanted for the past year.  After filling out 50 or more applications to Universities (BYU and all the universities in Hawaii) and Kamehameha.  After countless interviews over the phone and Skype.  After several near misses that had me thinking I had gotten the job.  After nearly giving up on my dream to be a counselor/adviser at a university.  I was blessed to land a position that not only provides for my family but gives me the experience necessary for my long-term goals (Ph.D.).  

All I can say is, "Thank you".  Thanks to my family who supported me through this hard economic time.  Thanks to my grandmother and my in-laws who were kind of enough to open their homes to lessen the financial burden.  Thanks to the friends who kept an eye out for me.  Thanks to those who wrote all my letters of recommendation.  Thanks to the members of my faith who supported me through service and words of wisdom.  And finally, thanks to my Heavenly Father who never forgot about me.

What else can I say?  I'm blessed and hope that my children and others forge through the nay Sayers and the doubts to capture their dreams.  It wasn't easy and I'm not done yet but one of my dreams have come true.  So hope for a better future and fight for it.  Even though you will get beat up through the process I promise that when you score that touchdown it'll be all worth it            

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What I Would Say To Myself

Ever since my body weight peaked at 250 lbs I've longed for my high school physique.  With stretch marks decorating my stomach and clothes increasingly shrinking I've realized that I was a smart dummy in high school.  I was smart enough to get A's and B's in class but dumb enough to believe I was a fat whale when I weighed only 150 lbs.   

Why did I feel this way?  Was it because I hung out with the Alpha males of my high school?  Guys who probably had six packs in elementary school.  Or was it because I was fat in elementary through intermediate?  

My early years in public school were filled with encounters with bullies.  I remember being called Shamu as well as other colorful adjectives back then.  Unlike some big boys who may have fought back, I wasn't willing or able to fight, which made me an easy target.       

So what happened in high school?  In one word, "football".  It surrounded me with the alpha males of the school, which kind of buffered me from any bullying.  In addition, it put me in contact with weight lifting, which stopped the 10 lbs I would gain every year.  Then I was blessed to hit a growth spurt that evened out my weight.  So in essence, I grew up.  

But even with my obvious body change, I still felt flabby.  No matter how many crunches I did, I couldn't get a six pack, which to me was a barometer of what made a man sexy.  Which is probably why I was a stuttering fool around girls.  I constantly thought, "What girl would want to be with me?"  Oh, how I wish I could go back in time to slap some sense into me.  

This isn't a high school photo but I am around 185 lbs. Can you imagine what I looked like at 150.    

This is me a few weeks ago. 250 lbs and holding my piglet. Around 7 years later this is what my wife ended up with. Luckily I'm not under warranty.

If I could go back in time, what would I say?            

1.  Stop comparing yourself.  150 lbs doesn't make you overweight.  

Picture Credit:  Vezapost Blog
2.  If you're healthy, you're good.  Skinny don't always mean you fit.
Picture Credit:  Oddee Blog

3.  Start practicing good eating habits.  You're not going to be playing sports forever.  

4.  Practice yoga.  Flexibility will be your greatest asset when your older.  

Picture Credit:  Suite 707 blog

5.  Get into water sports like surfing so the activities you do on your spare time keep your body physically busy.  

6.  Finally, enjoy the body you have.  You only get one.  

Picture Credit:  Acquired Tastes Blog


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Don't Count Your Eggs Before They Hatch

Stephen Strasburg and Ryan Zimmerman
Tonight was the end of a great run by the Washington Nationals.  Losing 9 - 7 to the "Never Say Die" Cardinals, Nationals fell in the 9th inning and their dreams for a World Series were dashed.  Now many in the media are probably going to pose the question, "What if?"  What if Strasburg was playing?  What if the Nationals hadn't shut him down?  We'll never truly know but what we do know is that they're not getting out of the first round.  

Now I'm not here to scream it's end of the world and everyone needs to be fired.  On the contrary, I think it's a shrewd business move that is long-term focused.  Thinking long-term is important but it's playing it safe.  It may pay off if they're able to prolong Strasburgs career (get a bang for their buck) but that doesn't guarantee they'll win any championships because of the move.  In sports, you need to live in the moment.  If you have a chance to make it to the World Series and you have one of the best aces in the game (Click if you want to see Strasburg stats) you roll the dice and play him.  The future isn't guaranteed.  

Think about the Chicago Bulls.  The past 2 years they were the talk of the NBA.  They had a young superstar in Derrick Rose and a tough core of players surrounding him.  Their future was bright until Rose lay crumpled on the court in the playoffs last year.  Now this upcoming season looks like a wash with Rose possibly missing the entire season and who knows if he'll be able to bounce back fully.  If he does bounce back the players around him like Boozer, Deng, Hamilton will be another year older.   

So you see, Nationals need to beware.  Remember, the Braves were on your tail last year and they are just as young if not younger than you.  Plus the Phillies aren't going to be as bad as they were this year.  Furthermore, whose to say Strasburg doesn't get injured next year or Zimmerman or Harper.  You don't know and no matter how safe you play it bad things can still happen.  It's sports, people get hurt.                 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

NFL Roundup Week 5 Results

Week 5 Results = 8 out of 13 

Dolphins at Bengals 
Bengals:  It'll be a close game that could go either way.

17-13 Dolphins
I said the game would be close but just picked the wrong winner. 

Packers at Colts
Packers:  Expect Rodgers to have a big game and get back into the passing grove.  Should be a blowout.   

30-27 Colts
I guess not even the Colts defense can help Rodgers and the Packers offense. 

Ravens at Chiefs
Chiefs:  Ravens run defense isn't as good as they were in the past.  Jamal Charles will have a big game.  

9-6 Ravens
At least I was right on Jamal Charles having a big game.    

Falcons at Redskins
Redskins:  Last week Falcons showed that they aren't unbeatable.  They're going to face another mobile quarterback, whose confidence is ridding high. 

24-17 Falcons
Redskins might have won if it wasn't for Griffin being knocked back to college.   

Browns at Giants
Giants:  Should bounce back at home.

41-27 Giants
Talk about a bounce back. 

Eagles at Steelers
Steelers:  With their two defensive stars back from the disable list the fans as well as the team should be fired up to play.    

16-14 Steelers
It was nice to see Rashard Mendenhall back. 

Seahawks at Panthers
Panthers:  Russell Wilson isn't as good as people thought. 

16-12 Seahawks 
Even with the poor play of Wilson, Seahawks keep winning.  The new Tim Tebow.  

Bears at Jaguars
Bears:  If Cutler is in a good mood the Bears should roll over the Jaguars.  

41-3 Bears
Cutler was in a good mood.  

Titans at Vikings
Vikings:  At home and with Locker out the defensive line of the Vikings will be chomping at the bit. 

30-7 Vikings 
Vikings are for real. 

Broncos at Patriots 
Patriots:  Bill knows how to game plan for Peyton.  Being on a new team, Peyton's teammates won't be able to overcome the scheme that will be thrown at them.   

31-21 Patriots 
Whew!! The Patriots almost threw the game away. 

Bills at 49ers 
49ers:  If the Patriots can run wild last week, what do you think the run heavy 49ers will do.  

45-3 49ers 
49ers opened up another can on the AFC East. 

Chargers at Saints
Saints:  I can't see Bree's allowing his team to lose on the night he'll probably surpass another milestone in his career.  

31-24 Saints
Bree's made sure they weren't losing this game.

Texans at Jets
Texans:  It's going to get ugly and I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't Tebow time after the half.  

23-17 Texans
Wasn't ugly and Tebow time didn't happen but at least the Texans won.   

Monday, October 8, 2012

What Kind Of Fan Are You?

During a hard fought game between the Ravens and the Chiefs, Matt Cassel was knocked unconscious during this play.  

 You can't hear through the video but the fans cheered when they saw their quarterback laying on the ground.  I guess his play had been terrible enough to warrant cheers for his physical demise.  

Here is a quote by Eric Winston (Chief's offensive lineman) in reaction to the home field fans that cheered.  

What does it say about us as a people?  I know I've been guilty for cheering when others have gotten rocked on a football field.  I've even screamed for Vitor Belfort to pop and break Jon Jones arm during their fight.  

Does that make me a bad guy?  Am I blood thirsty?  Or am I and most Americans detached from reality?  Of course I don't feel like a bad guy and to my knowledge I'm not a vampire.  So I must be detached.  

How have I gotten this way?  Personally, I think it's the fact that it's on the tube, which has desensitized me to violence.  For example, you can see a person's head blow up on a popular show like "Bones".  So when you see a guy get crushed on the field, it doesn't seem as violent.  

Secondly, professional athletes like to talk a lot of smack (to build up fan excitement).  So much smack that you think they really do hate each other and like most reality shows, it's all about the drama.  So like any drama the audience ends up taking sides and viewing the "other side" as a villain (deserving of poor fortune). 

How do we become reattached to reality?  By visualizing if we personally knew the players.  We need to realize that the personalities we see on television aren't 100 percent real.  Bad guys aren't that bad and good guys aren't that great.  We need to recognize that every athlete is a son, husband and father.  If we were to see them as a family or friend we might not cheer so enthusiastically for them to get their arm ripped off.   

When we are able to do that we'll be a better fan.  A humane fan who realizes a person's life is greater then a win or a loss.     

Saturday, October 6, 2012

NFL Roundup Week 5

Here are my picks for NFL Roundup Week 5:  

Dolphins at Bengals

Bengals:  It'll be a close game that could go either way.
Packers at Colts
Packers:  Expect Rodgers to have a big game and get back into the passing grove.  Should be a blowout.   

Ravens at Chiefs
Chiefs:  Ravens run defense is a good as they were in the past.  Jamal Charles will have a big game.    

Falcons at Redskins
Redskins:  Last week Falcons showed that they aren't unbeatable.  They're going to face another mobile quarterback, whose confidence is ridding high.  

Browns at Giants
Giants:  Should bounce back at home.

Eagles at Steelers
Steelers:  With their two defensive stars back from the disable list the fans as well as the team should be fired up to play.    

Seahawks at Panthers
Panthers:  Russell Wilson isn't as good as people thought. 

Bears at Jaguars
Bears:  If Cutler is in a good mood the Bears should roll over the Jaguars.  

Titans at Vikings
Vikings:  At home and with Locker out the defensive line of the Vikings will be chomping at the bit. 

Broncos at Patriots 
Patriots:  Bill knows how to game plan for Peyton.  Being on a new team, Peyton's teammates won't be able to overcome the scheme that will be thrown at them.   

Bills at 49ers 
49ers:  If the Patriots can run wild last week, what do you think the run heavy 49ers will do.  

Chargers at Saints
Saints:  I can't see Bree's allowing his team to lose on the night he'll probably surpass another milestone in his career.  

Texans at Jets
Texans:  It's going to get ugly and I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't Tebow time after the half. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Future Of Baseball

For the past couple of years especially after players such as Bonds, McGwire, Sosa and Clemens were crucified for taking performance enhancing drugs, I've heard many announce the death of baseball.  With the homerun record tainted and big names such as Jeter, Chipper Jones and Alex Rodriguez getting older.  I wondered if those talking heads were right.  Was baseball going to become insignificant?  

I think the 2012 season has proven that baseball is going to make a comeback.  With the old farts getting older a new crop of superstars have arrived.  From the MVP caliber play of Mike Trout to the dominating pitching of Stephen Strausburg.  There are dozens of young players making a name for themselves this season.  Here are just some of the players that make me think baseball's future is safe. 

26 Years And Younger 

1.  Mike Trout (CF):  21 years old
Stats:  .325 BA, 30 HR, 83 RBI, 129 Runs, 48 SB 

Having one of the greatest rookie seasons of all time and possibly an MVP season.  This youngster is a cocktail of speed and power.  Barring any injuries, he could become the greatest player since Barry Bonds (younger version). 

2.  Bryce Harper (CF):  19 years old
Stats:  .270 BA, 22 HR, 59 RBI, 97 Runs, 18 SB

If it wasn't for Trout, Harper would be getting more of the buzz.  He was one of the most hyped young players in the off season. 

3.  Stephen Strausburg (SP):  24 years old
Stats:  3.16 ERA, 15-6 W-L, 197 SO

These numbers could even be better if it weren't for that stupid inning rule.  I really hope this doesn't bite the Nationals in the butt during the post season.  Unless they're playing my Braves.  
4.  Jason Heyward (RF):  23 years old
Stats:  .267 BA, 27 HR, 82 RBI, 91 Runs, 20 SB

With Chipper Jones retiring, Jason and the other youthful Braves will become the face of the franchise.  I think the Braves future is looking as bright as it has since the Braves of the 90's.    

5.  Craig Kimbrel (RP):  24 years old
Stats:  1.02 ERA, 42 SV, 113 SO

One of the most dominating young closers in the majors.    

6.  Kris Medlen (SP):  26 years old
Stats:  1.57 ERA, 10-1 W-L, 120 SO

Coming off of injury, Kris has been lights out for the Braves.  After being put into the starting lineup, he has possibly become the most dominating pitcher in the majors.  The stats he accumulated has been after starting only 12 games.  Can you imagine what it would look like if he had a full season under his belt.   
7.  Evan Longoria (3B):  26 years old
 Stats:  .283 BA, 14 HR, 52 RBI, 36 Runs, 2 SB 

It's a down season for Longoria but I don't expect it to be a trend.  Just last year he had 31 HR's and 99 RBI's.  

8.  Felix Hernandez (SP):  26 years old
 Stats:  3.06 ERA, 13-9 W-L, 223 SO

Can you imagine what his stats would like if he was on a better team.    

9.  Buster Posey (C):  25 years old
Stats:  .337 BA, 24 HR, 102 RBI, 78 Runs, 1 SB

After a horrible injury last week he has really bounced back this year. 

10.  Andrew McCutchen (CF):  25 years old
Stats:  .327 BA, 31 HR, 96 RBI, 107 Runs, 20 SB

The biggest star on the Pirates.  The team has a bright future if they can hold on to him.  

11.  Giancarlo Stanton (RF):  22 years old
Stats:  .291 BA, 37 HR, 86 RBI, 75 Runs, 6 SB

Can you imagine how bad this team would be without him.  I smell another Miguel Cabrera in a few years.  

12.  Clayton Kershaw (SP):  24 years old
Stats:  2.58 ERA, 13-9 W-L, 221 SO

The Dodgers resurgence will be based on Matt Kemp and Clayton's arm or the health of it.  

13.  Carlos Gonzalez (LF):  26 years old
Stats:  .303 BA, 22 HR, 85 RBI, 89 Runs, 20 SB

What a surprise.  Another power hitter coming out of Colorado. 

14.  Yoenis Cespedes (LF):  26 years old
Stats:  .289 BA, 23 HR, 82 RBI, 69 Runs, 16 SB

A big reason why the A's are good this year. 

Here is a highlight reel of Mike Trout, the future of MLB. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


In honor of the Bullsh@! card game I played in the "Bear Cave" at my high school.  I'm going to start a continual blog posts about things I see that make me want to call Bullsh@!.  For those of you who have never played this game, you can check out the rules at this link

My first call is on the NFL saying that they're goal is to protect the players and the "Shield" of football.  After last night's Monday Night Football game and the entire season for that matter, I think it's clear that the NFL only cares about the bottom line.  If you don't know what I'm talking about take a look at the video on this ESPN link.

What's more dangerous to the integrity of the league then referees blowing a call that the majority of analysis and even fans can see was blown.  To be honest, the game hasn't knocked the Packers out of the playoffs, however, after time passes we'll learn how important that one loss could be.

In addition, these new referees don't know how to break up dog piles.  

Their inability to quickly disperse the players and control the scene has been leading to skirmishes on the field that may lead to baseball like clearing of the benches.  

Wouldn't that be great for the game and the safety of players.  

What makes it worse is that the NFL has come out and said the call was good.  We all know that's bullsh@!.  Even Herm Edwards knows.    


Monday, September 24, 2012

NFL Roundup Week 3 Recap

My picks sucked just as bad the refs this weekend.  Maybe I sucked because of the refs but all I can say about this week is that the NFL gotta get things straight or else gamblers are going to revolt.  If the officials don't change I'm going to just pick home teams in Week 4 because I don't think these boys are able to handle the pressure of the massive crowds they face.  This season is INSANITY!   

 Week 3 = 6 out of 15  (40%) 

Rams at Bears
Bears - First out door game of the season.  Chicago defense will eat up another young quarterback. 
23 - 6 Bears

Bills at Browns
Browns - CJ Spiller will be hard to stop but the Bills haven't been able to stop anyone else. 
24 - 14 Bills

Buccaneers at Cowboys
Cowboys - Rob Ryan's defense is going to show the Buccaneers coach what is hard nosed football. 
16 - 10 Cowboys

Jets at Dolphins
Jets - The defense should bounce back. 
23 - 20 Jets

49ers at Vikings
49ers - They will hit'em in the mouth both on offense and defense. 
24 - 13 Vikings

Chiefs at Saints
Saints - Brees and the Saints will get their first win behind a ruckus crowd.
27 - 24 Chiefs 

Bengals at Redskins
Bengals  - Bengals offense should have a big game against a depleted defense. 
38 - 31 Bengals

Lions at Titans
Lions - If the Titans cannot run they're going to get passed out of their building. 
44 - 41 Titans

Jaguars at Colts
Colts - Luck has gotten back into his grove and should pick up another win at home. 
22 - 17 Jaguars

Eagles at Cardinals
Cardinals - The unlikely unbeaten Cardinals will shock the world because their stellar defense. 
27 - 6 Cardinals

Falcons at Chargers
Falcons - Chargers won't be able to handle the Falcons, who look poised to make a run at the Super Bowl. 
27 - 3 Falcons

Texans at Broncos 
Broncos - Peyton will have another week with his teammates and usually plays well against the Texans.
31 - 25 Texans

Steelers at Raiders
Steelers - Without an effective running game, Raiders have no chance.  
34 - 31 Raiders 

Patriots at Ravens
Patriots - Probably the game of the week.  Bill will have his guys ready for this game. 
31 - 30 Ravens

Packers at Seahawks
Packers - Rodgers will finally break through with a big game on the road. 
14-12 Seahawks