Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm Coming Home

After watching an interesting documentary about the "Rock" Dwayne Johnson I was impressed by the connection he has with his father and grandfather. At the end of the documentary there is a clip of the Rock's life being played alongside the song "I'm Coming Home". I had never heard the song before but it really struck me to my core as I encountered the lyrics in combination with the Rock's dialogue. Specifically when he reveals that his main goal in entering Professional Wrestling was to make his family proud and as he stared into the sky you could see the true emotion as he pondered that question.

Once the clip ended, I pondered a different question. What is home for me? During the past couple of days that my wife and baby girl have been in Hilo I've learned how much they mean to me. I've always known that there were everything but it's amazing how empty life can be without them now.

The two most important people in my world.

Here are some other things that make me feel at home:

Nothing reminds me of home more then my crazy family.  

My grandparents/parents.  Thank you for providing me a home.

Kam III (Where I spent many birthday parties at.)

Can't find this anywhere else in the world.

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