Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Next Big Thing?

At UFC 128, Jon Jones will be defending his title against Shogun Rua. Oh wait, that ain't right. Isn't it Shogun whose the champ? Isn't he the one that demolished the Machida era? No wait, it can't be, the way the UFC is promoting this fight it looks as if Shogun is fighting against the greatest fighter of all time. I mean, Jones is so amazing that he was given a whole show dedicated to him on Spike. While Shogun got a few minutes during the UFC 128 Countdown hype machine on Spike.

It's hard for me to say this but I'm beginning to dislike Jones, not because of who he is because I think he is one of the most entertaining mixed martial artist. No, it's because he is being crowned before ever winning the belt, which he may do and if he does then I would entertain the idea that he may be the greatest fighter in the making. But until that happens, it's like listening to Rex Ryan predicting another Super Bowl appearance, it's nails on chalkboard because words mean little without action. And until someone has proven themselves they should keep their mouth shut. Maybe that's the Japanese in me seeping out but touting ones horn just doesn't cut it. And I know that Dana and his boys are all about making money through advertising their product but sometimes you can do your fighters a disservice by pushing them into the hot spotlight of the media too soon.

I mean, calling someone the "The Muhammad Ali of MMA" are pretty strong words and even though it wasn't Dana's words (Bruce Bufffer) it was thoughtfully placed into the UFC 128 Countdown. Calling someone who hasn't won the title or beaten anyone who ever contended for the belt until his last match is jumping the gun. And if he were to win the belt, it takes more then winning to be like Muhammad Ali.

A perfect storm is coming that may really test this young superstar today. The pressure placed on him from all the hype that was generated by himself and the UFC in addition a slighted and motivated Rua, looking to prove everyone wrong will be the greatest test he has ever faced. I really hope he handles it well because if he doesn't we could be witnessing the climax and sudden fall of Jon "Bones" Jones.

Kevin Lole: Jones Hype Is 'Shogun's' Motivation;_ylt=Aln9VKTBaz16Lbh1IMZip9Q5nYcB?slug=ki-iole_shogun_ready_for_jones_ufc_031711

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