Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Question Of The Week

Who will play more games this season, Greg Oden or Andrew Bynum?

Over 4 seasons Bynum has only played over 50 games once, on the other hand, in Odenʻs first year as an NBA player he played 61 games even though he struggled with injuries. Between these two players itʻs a coin flip, however, if I were a betting man I would place my chips on the younger looking player (Bynum) whose been in the NBA longer and hopefully has learned what it takes to train his body for an entire season. With that said, whoever has drafted these players, I wish you luck because you have a coin flip or a twisted ankle chance of losing them for the year.


  1. Thanks for making me worried Mike. I have two of those guys on your list of injury prone centers. I think I should send Jermaine and Amare some milk to strengthen their bones and spinach cause popeye never got hurt.

  2. haha. isn't that what fantasy sports does to us? make us all worried that our superstar player will get wrecked and out for the year. a memo to all the pro teams: let's replace the gatorade & hot dogs (ahem. mark sanchez.) with tons of spinach.
