Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Was He Thinking?

In honor of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, I will periodically have a "What was he thinking?" segment of my blog. Within these sections, I plan on hypothesizing what athletes or famous people are thinking when they do idiotic things in front or behind the camera.

So to kick us off, I will start with "What was Big Ben thinking when he was talking with reporters".

<a href="" target="_new" title="Big Ben Apologizes">Video: Big Ben Apologizes</a>

10. Are people buying what I'm selling?
9. Do I look contrite?
8. I hope Tiger has another mistress.
7. I'm so happy I could dodge these charges like I shake off defensive backs. (Get off of me.)
6. I'm so sorry this got into the media.
5. If I wasn't famous or an offensive lineman no one would care.
4. I will make sure the values I portray will be acceptable to you all.
3. How long will it take before people forget about this?
2. I wish I was Tiger Woods.
1. Note to self, ask Tiger for Ari Fleischer's number.

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