For once I have a something to say about a golf tournament, which has nothing to do with golf of course and more to do with the lives of two different men that are being used to create a narrative. What story is the media trying to spin for the consuming public?
"If you're immoral you will not succeed in life."
Now this story line isn't new and for most people it has been fed to us through books, Disney movies, television and parents. We learn from a young age, especially if you're a Christian that good ultimately triumphs over evil. However, what happens when the greatest golfer and the wealthiest athlete of all time turns out to be an immoral person. Well, for some parents and media alike a spin must be made to illustrate how Tiger's actions is negatively affecting him. So with a loss at the Master's (I don't see as a failure) the media has a story line they can use to warn younger athletes that if you aren't a good person (whatever good means) you will not win in sports or life. However, it's easy to see a flaw in this logic if you recognize the years that Tiger was having his affairs, he was successful athletically and economically.
Now, I'm not saying that negative actions in ones society that are deemed wrong have no consequences. They do, however, it's illogical to think that good will reap success in this life because it has been shown through Tiger Woods and others that it doesn't matter if you're good or not. What matters is if you are good at what you do. In the end, we all need to ask ourselves what does it mean to be a success. Is it having the biggest house or having a home full of love? If it means having the bigger house than being moral has little to do with it.
Your point about how he was doing fine while he was having the affairs is interesting. I guess the moral is to not get CAUGHT being immoral, then you'll be fine. : )