Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Surprising Inspiration

Last night my wife and I stumbled upon a surprising film called "Hugo".  An aesthetically pleasing family film that deals with a universal question that we all face in life, "What is my purpose?"  Needless to say the main character finds the answer to that vexing question as well as peripheral characters who unknowingly foster the hero along his path.

So why am I telling you all this?  During last year and a portion of this year I've been debating what I wanted to do with my life.  I've tried to get into several different Ph. D. programs and applied to at least 30 positions at universities in Hawaii and the West Coast.  In addition, I've applied to private and public high schools throughout Hawaii.  Through all the paperwork I've received a resounding "No" from many and had a handful of photo finishes that ended in heartbreak.  During this time I've dabbled in writing.  A hobby I've always enjoyed but with a bucket full of self-doubt I never had the courage to allow others to scrutinize my work.  Once I did the cold water of truth hit me square in the face.  I feared the possible scrutiny but yearned for notoriety.  So even though I received no negative comments I was disappointed that no one seemed to notice my writing. 

Why write, if no one would ever read it?  Would athletes like Lebron and Tebow even compete if there weren't any spectators?

Why should I write?

I'll write because I enjoy the process of creation.  I'll write in hopes that I'm fulfilling my purpose and maybe in doing so someone will take notice.  Someone will hear my voice.  I'll write because it's "WHO I AM".     


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