I'm getting sick and tired of everyone discussing Tiger Woods and his affairs. So what? Who cares? I guess everyone does, since this story has been on a constant spin cycle from CNN to Fox. The media wondering why powerful men cheat. When I rather ask the question why do people cheat in general because there are men out there without any power and prestige who have affairs. We don't hear about them. Heck, I bet more men would be cheating if they had the money and fame like Tiger Woods does. How much men would turn down beautiful women flirting with them. Maybe in the beginning they would be strong, however, as time goes by and the constant barrage of women come their way, there may be one who will catch their eye or a day when they're not happy with their wife that will trigger them to have an affair. Who knows but I do know that no one is perfect, so it shouldn't be such a shock when a famous man has an affair.
Now, when has it been a prerequisite for star athletes to be morally righteous. I know sponsors and reporters sometimes portray athletes as super human. However, it's just a portrayal, it's not reality. I personally believe that sometimes athletes represent the super heroes of our day. They're flying through the sky like Superman or have the strength of 10 men like the Incredible Hulk or move at the speed of light like Flash. Just as these mythical superheroes are driven to do good on behalf of the people. Maybe we sometimes expect a similar characteristics from our reality based heroes. Therefore, we may have an image of them that no one, not even ourselves can live by. No athlete is Superman, though some (Shaq, Dwight) may beg differ.
Today, we live in a world that searches for heroes in all the wrong places. We build up impossible images and are angry when our heroes don't live by a moral code that we can't live by ourselves But we try to force them to live by such a code because we need someone to look up to, someone that our kids can follow because for some parents they aren't good role models. So instead of wondering why Tiger did the deed. We should look within and ask ourselves why do we care. Do we need someone to look up to? Are we searching for the Bat signal in the sky? If we are, I hope we look within because no one is perfect, not even Tim Tebow.
Amen. I'm sick of hearing Tiger did this, Tiger did that. Really, who gives a rat's? I think all those reporters are just trying to make money/news off of Tiger's name.