There has been a lot of chatter in the media before the start of the season tomorrow about the dirty play of the Saints, specifically the beat down they placed on Brett Farve last year. Now Brett hasn't grumbled about it and he shouldn't because all it will get you is a bigger target on your back or in his case the ankle.
Do I think it was dirty? Yeah, but for those of you who have never played organized football, let me tell you, "It's a part of the game". Whether you like it or not, teams gear up and plan on trying to hurt your best offensive weapons. Heck, I can guarantee it's being taught to high school players across the nation right now. When you are in the heat of competition and emotions are high, it's not hard to twist a running backs ankle just enough to sprain it. I'm guilty of it.
And if the Vikings are pissed about the dirty play last year, instead of talking about it, they, specifically his defense should dish out some vigilante justice. Paint a big bulls eye on Drews' leg, head, whatever can break and hit it over and over again. Because the fact of the matter is that when Drew goes down the Saints hopes will be dashed for good. So less talking, more hitting.
As for the Offensive line, protect Farve like he was your mama. And what would you do if someone hit your mama? Would you talk about it or would you beat that guy down? Bottom line, eye for an eye. A cut block hear and there will stop a few pass rushers from coming in full throttle. Vikings got to get dirty if they want to beat the Saints because if they don't, the Saints will.