On Thanksgiving most people are thankful for their families, their health and the usual. I'm thankful for all those things, however, one of the things I'm most thankful for is sports. Why? Sporting events allows me to live historic events with thousands of others simultaneously. Events that I can say when I'm old I had witnessed, not as a cheesy Disney remakes on screen but in the flesh. Here are some of the historic moments I have witnessed that I'm thankful for.
1. Mark McGwire and Barry Bond's historic record breaking roid home runs.
2. Michael Jordan push off for his winning basket against the Jazz.
3. The epic playoff battle between Vince Carter and Allen Iverson.
4. Greatest Monday Night Football comeback between the Jets and Dolphins (broke my heart)
5. Brett Farve's great game after the death of his father.
6. Mike Tyson taking a bite out of Holyfield's ear.
7. Some of the biggest BCS upsets (Boise State vs Oklahoma & Alabama vs Utah)
8. Atlanta Braves only World Series win against the Cleveland Indians.
9. Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction. (wait, that's not a sporting event but it was historic)
10. Being a part of the first high school football playoff in Hawaii and making some noise.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you live it up and make history of your own.